Peace Gathering to Commemorate 73rd Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in front of the Consulate General of Japan in New York City, August 3, 2018
An Open Letter to People of Japan from Concerned Peace Organizations and Citizens of the United States in Observance of the 73rd Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings in Japan
We, the undersigned, represent a coalition of concerned peace organizations and citizens of the United States who are advocating for the importance of abolishing nuclear weapons globally, toward a more peaceful world. We are gathering here, in front of the office of the Consulate General of Japan in New York, with a bouquet of flowers to express our sincere regrets and apologies for the deaths of those killed by our nation’s atomic bombings in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, a war crime and crime against humanity, although our government has never apologized. We wish to extend our deep condo-lences and apology to those atomic bomb survivors (Hibakusha) who have endured great mental and physical hardships for over seven decades as a result of the horrific bombings.
As the average age of Hibakusha has now reached 82 years old, we strongly appeal to Japan to play a leadership role in signing, ratifying and promoting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted by the United Nations on July 7, 2017 with overwhelming support from 122 member states. As of the end of July 2018, fifty nine states have signed and 14 states have ratified the Treaty. The Treaty clearly states the prohibition of developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing, stockpiling, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons.
We are very concerned about reports from civil society groups that some nuclear weapon states, including the United States, have been economically and politically pressuring other states not to sign the Treaty. We strongly hope that Japan shows the strength to resist such pressure from its allies of nuclear-weapon states. We also urge Japan to play a leading role among countries that have not yet signed the Treaty by completing its domestic legislative process without delay in order to sign and ratify the Treaty.
We promise to keep raising our voices to press our own government not to engage in pressuring other states from not signing the Treaty. We will also call for the signing and ratifying of the Treaty, and urge our government to begin removing all existing nuclear weapons from operational status and destroy them in accordance with the Treaty.
This April, there was a historic summit in the Demilitarized Zone on the Korean Peninsula, where two Korean leaders agreed to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and to formally end the Korean War. We strongly hope that Japan supports the current peace and nuclear disarmament process on the Korean Peninsula by entering
direct dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and proposes establishing a North-East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone with leaders of the Korean Peninsula in order to make the region free from all kinds of nuclear threats.
On July 17, 2018, the 30-year US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreement matured and was automatically extended for an unspecified period of time, because neither the U.S. nor Japan notified the other country six months prior to its termination. We are deeply worried about this Agreement and its impact on the security of the North-East Asian region and the rest of the world. The pact allows Japan to reprocess spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium.
In addition, we are deeply troubled by the security implications of Japan’s stockpile of nearly 47 tons of separated plutonium in conjunction with the start-up of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, which will have an estimated capacity to separate up to an additional 8 tons of plutonium annually. Such a large stockpile of separated plutonium
is a proliferation threat, enough to make thousands of plutonium-cored atomic bombs, as well as vulnerable to nuclear terrorism and could become a grave environmental disaster if another nuclear accident happens.
The reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel requires excessive costs. It also has serious environmental concerns and safety risks to workers and local citizens, as we have seen at the Hanford Nuclear Site in the U.S. which has sadly become one of the most radiologically contaminated locations in the world. Japan should commit to stopping the increase of the stockpile and set clear goals for significant reduction.
Victimized by the use of atomic bombs, Japan has also been a victim of the world’s worst nuclear power plant accident since Chernobyl: suffering from massive radiation leaks that have spread well into the Pacific Ocean; the evacuation of more than 150,000 people, many of whom haven’t yet been able to return home; and a rise in thyroid cancer among children, among some of the known adverse effects. The use of nuclear technology, whether military or civilian, comes with enormous risks and incalculable consequences. Effective global nuclear disarmament will not be possible as long as we allow the commercial use of plutonium and highly enriched uranium.
Finally, your constitution has an inspiring introduction clause which recognizes that “all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.” Japan has learned the benefits of a strong culture of peace, while the U.S. increasingly moves toward the economy of war. Article 9 of your peace constitution is more powerful and honorable than the possession of nuclear weapons. It is more persuasive than the policy of nuclear deterrence or a reliance on a “nuclear umbrella.”
Thus, our coalition calls on Japan to preserve its peace constitution, discard its military reliance on the U.S. nuclear umbrella, and show its strong desire to promote a safer and humane world without nuclear weapons by joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki, No more War, No more Hibakusha, Never Again!
Dated: August 3, 2018
Endorsed by:
Veterans for Peace - Chapter 34 (NYC), Brooklyn For Peace, Council on Intelligent Energy & Conservation Policy (CIECP), Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Granny Peace Brigade, NYC, Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York, Hibakusha Stories - Youth Arts New York, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, New York City War Resisters League, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Pax Christi Metro New York, Peace Action New York, Peace Boat US, Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders for Humanity - Marshall Islands, The Ribbon International, Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World
Setsuko Thurlow
Chris Brandt, professor of Peace Studies and Poetry, Fordham University Sister Jean Fallon, Peace activist
Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Buddhist Global Relief Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen (Fukushima Support Committee in Los Angeles, CA)
Veterans for Peace
Gerry Condon, president Barry Ladendorf, board of directors Mike Ferner, former president Daniel Shea, board of directors
Tarak Kauff, managing editor at VFP Chapter 34 (NYC)
ICAN Australia, Veterans for Peace Japan, Montréal KIZUNA, Article 9 Society for Global Peace Charter, Citizens Movement for Declaration of Denuclearization,Yokosuka, Association for Tokorozawa’s Peaceful City Declaration, Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen (Fukushima Support Committee in Los Angeles, CA), Hisako Sakiyama (medical doctor PhD, chairwoman of 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer), Kazue Mori (Mie Goudou Law Office), Osamu Niikura (Professor Emeritus at Aoyama Gakuin University), Kazuhiro Kogure (Professor Emeritus at University of Tokyo), Akiko Morimatsu (Association of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami evacuees - Thanks & Dream), Learning Group Cosmos (Kanagawa), Sadaaki Hirohata (Goodbye nuclear power plant Amagasaki People’s Group), Yasutsugu Ogura (Associate Professor at Rikkyo University), Toshio Yanagihara (Lawyer), Toshiko Okada and Takae Miyaguchi (Network to Evacuate people from Radiation), Kaori Kanda (professional storyteller), Tokuko Kimura (Atomic bomb survivors’ Toyu-kai), Manabu Ogasawara (Nijikko NPO), Masafumi and Mariko Asada (Green Party - Fukui, Japan), Sumio Konno (Legal Action to protect children from radiation), Yumi Murakami (Fukushima Badge Project), Yukari Kohigashi (Hyogo), Michiko Oda (Saitama), Machiko Katsumori (Tokyo), Yumi Chiba (Fukushima), Kensuke Nagasawa (Hyogo), Shizue Tomoda (Tokyo), Ichie Watanabe
ノーモア ヒロシマ、 ノーモア ナガサキ、 ノーモア ウォー、 ノーモア ヒバクシャ、 絶対に二度と!
べテランズ・フォー・ピース 第34支部(NYC)、ブルックリン・フォー・ピース、カウンシル・オン・インテリジェント・エナジー&
コンサベーション・ポリシー、ドロシー・デイ・カトリック・ワーカー、グラニー・ピース・ブリゲード、平和ファウンデーション 、
ヒバクシャ・ストーリーズ・ユース・アーツNY、インディアンポイント・セーフ・エナジー・コオリション、NYC ウォー・リジスターズ・リーグ 、
ニュークリアー・エイジ・ピース・ファウンデーション、パックス・クリスティー・メトロ NY、ピース・アクション・ファンド NYS 、
ピースボート US、ラディエーション・エクスポージャー・アウェアネス・クルセイダーズ・フォー・ヒューマニティー・マーシャル諸島 、
サーロー節子、 クリス・ブラント、平和研究、詩学、フォーダム大学、ジーン・ファロン、修道女、平和活動家 、 ビク・ボディ上人(ブディスト・グローバル・リリーフ)、ツクル・フォルス・ロリッツェン(福島サポート・コミッティー)
べテランズ・フォー・ピース、 ジェリー・コンドン 会長、バリー・レイデンドルフ 理事 、マイク・ファーナー 元会長、ダニエル・シェイ 理事 、 タラク・カウフ 第34支部(NYC)機関紙編集長
ICAN オーストラリア、べテランズ・フォー・ピース・ジャパン 、 モントリオール KIZUNA、9条・地球憲章の会、非核市民宣言ヨコスカ 、所沢「平和都市宣言」実現する会 、 崎山 比早子(医学博士、3.11 甲状腺がん子ども基金 代表理事)、森 一恵(三重合同法律事務所)、 新倉 修(青山学院大学名誉教授)、木暮 一啓(東京大学名誉教授)、 森松 明希子(東日本大震災避難者の会 Thanks & Dream - サンドリ) 、 学習グループコスモス(神奈川県)、広畑貞昭(さいなら原発尼崎住民の会)、 小倉 康嗣(立教大学 准教授)、柳原敏夫(法律家)、岡田 俊子、 宮口 高枝 (脱被ばく実現ネット )、 神田 香織(講談師)、 木村 徳子(原爆被害者 東友会)、 小笠原 学(虹っ子)、浅田正文・眞理子(緑の党・福井)、 今野 寿美雄(子ども脱被ばく裁判原告代表)、 村上 由美(福島バッジプロジェクト)、Yukari Kohigashi(兵庫県)、 小田 美智子(埼玉県)、勝守 真知子(東京都)、千葉 由美(福島県)、長澤 健祐/兵庫県、友田 シズエ/東京都、 渡辺 一枝