INFO - インフォメーション PURPOSE - 開催目的 PRE-EVENT - プレイベント
被爆80周年 世界核被害者フォーラム
The 80th Anniversary World Nuclear Victims Forum
PRE-EVENT | プレイベント
広島・長崎被爆80周年世界核被害者フォーラム・プレ企画 - 1
Pre-event - 1 August 6, 2024
"8.6 Hiroshima Anti-Nuclear Evening 2024," an international symposium in Hiroshima
- To Stand in Solidarity with the World's Nuclear Victims – Toward the 2025 World Nuclear Victims Forum
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Don't Nuke the Pacific! Protect Our Ocean!
Pre-event - 2 August 18, 2024
“Don’t Nuke the Pacific,” an online international symposium on the dumping of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific
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Pre-event - 3 October 27, 2024
“Deciphering the Draft World Charter of the Rights of Nuclear Victims,” an online international symposium Lecturer: Kenji Urata, Constitutional Law scholar, Professor Emeritus, Waseda University

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核兵器禁止条約発効4周年 キャンドル・メッセージ行動
“核と人類は共存できない!” 原爆ドーム前
Pre-event - 4 January 22, 2025
“NUCLEAR & HUMANITY CAN’T COEXIST!” a candlelight message action on the 4th Anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome

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Pre-event - 5 Febvruary 14, 2025
Submitted NGO working papers to the United Nations Third Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on the trust fund and Articles 6 and 7 of the Treaty

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第3回核禁条約締約国会議に参加、サイドイベント開催(HANWA MPNFW 原水禁)
Pre-event - 6 March 5, 2025
HANWA and MPNFW co-organized "History of and lessons learned from the hibakusha movement of Japan and what we can do to establish the rights of nuclear victims,” a side event at a conference room in the United Nations Headquarters during the Third Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
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Pre-event - 7 May 24, 2025
"Issues on Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Impacts," HANWA General Assembly and a seminar by Hiroaki Koide
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Pre-event - 8 June 28, 2025
People's Concert to kick off our crowdfunding initiatives
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優の吉永小百合さんは、37年間に亘り、原爆、原発事故、沖縄に関する詩歌の朗読活動を通じて、反戦、反核へのメッセージを未来に伝える活動に携わり、今回被爆80周年にあたり、世界に広がる核被害者支援をめざす「世界核被害者フォーラム」成功のため、広島でチャリティー朗読会を開催して下さいます。 クラシック・ギタリスト村地奏一とのコラボ、子どもたちのコーラスもあります。
Pre-event - 9 July 26, 2025
Sayuri Yoshinaga Charity Reading at Hiroshima Prefectural Cultural Center
Partnering with the "Society for the Narration of the Second Movement" Reading of Nuclear Tragic Poetry
For 37 years, actress Sayuri Yoshinaga has been involved in activities to convey anti-war and anti-nuclear messages to future generations through poetry readings about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, and war in Okinawa. To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings, she will hold a charity reading event in Hiroshima to support the World Nuclear Victims Forum, which aims to support nuclear victims worldwide. There will be a performance by classical guitarist Soichi Muraji and a children's chorus group.
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Pre-event - 10 August 6, 2025
"8.6 Hiroshima International Dialogue ~ Anti-Nuclear Evening 2025," an international symposium